ISPCC has received the top accolade for the Best Short-Term Media Campaign at the Awards for Excellence in Public Relations for its campaign ‘For some children, Christmas doesn’t happen’.
The awards, which have been co-hosted by the Public Relations Consultants Association Ireland (PRCA) and the Public Relations Institute of Ireland (PRII) for the past 30 years, recognise the best in Irish public relations, public affairs and internal communications across the public and private sectors.
There had been an initial 37 submissions in ISPCC’s category, which was then short-listed to a group of five finalists.
The judges said that it was a close contest, “but the winning entry was a hard-hitting campaign that showed no fear of exposing harsh truths about childhood in Ireland.”
They added that “this was a strategic and well-planned campaign, with excellent use of research and timing. Challenging objectives were clearly achieved with tangible results. Kudos to an in-house team that surely worked long hours over the holidays period.”
Deirdre McNamara, ISPCC Head of Marketing and Communications, said that “ISPCC was delighted to see our campaign recognised by our peers. This achievement is testament to the amazing work of everyone at ISPCC.
“For too many children and young people, Christmas is sadly just another day. For some, the issues they encounter all year can worsen. It can mean abuse, neglect and loneliness. For others, Christmas can present new worries and concerns. Whatever the reason, they turn to Childline for support and for someone to listen.”
“At Childline we rely heavily on public generosity to help us to be here for every child who needs us. We depend on this generosity to keep us listening 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days of the year.”
To support Childline and help keep volunteers listening to children and young people, please support the Childline Summer appeal and donate at