Over the last two years, in response to the rising need for mental health supports, The Sanctuary have introduced free online community meditation sessions, a selection of live broadcasted wellbeing courses, self-care resources as well as a ‘Befriending Programme’ which offers phone calls to people who are
experiencing loneliness. The response for these online services has been unprecedented, providing almost 3,000 people with free online community meditation sessions and further support for over 500 people each week. Attendees have reported a reduced feeling of isolation and a sense of community that has
been a refuge for many.
World Mental Health Day is celebrated each year on the 10 th of October Once again, The Sanctuary is marking the day by challenging ourselves and you to a whole month of self-care guided meditation practices.
This year, the challenge is slightly different – all meditations are a simple 10 minutes long. Recorded by TheSanctuary’s own experienced teachers in Mindfulness and Meditation, such as Sr. Stan Kennedy, Dr Tony Bates, Jane Negrych, Mary Jennings, Barry Lee, and Dominic Cogan.
Sr Stan – “The Sanctuary’s 31 Day Challenge embodies all that The Sanctuary stands for. Through the meditations, we nourish our own personal growth, all the while creating social impact through raisingawareness of the stigma that surrounds mental health. The 31 Day Challenge invites us to come together as
a global community for World Mental Health Day in the fight against mental illness. In joining us, you arealso supporting The Sanctuary which brings mental health resources, healing and hope to thousands of people, including frontline workers.”
Jane Negrych, MD – “One of the most exciting moments in our year at The Sanctuary is the October 31 Day Challenge that coincides with World Mental Health Day. It provides the opportunity for all peopleeverywhere to come together and challenge themselves through meditation to really look after their own
mental wellbeing, while advocating for those struggling with mental health issues. It also provides the opportunity to help break down any stigma that surrounds mental illness.”
Registration/An Cuan Programme – Community Outreach
To register we kindly ask for a minimum donation of €30 to our An Cuan programme by the 30 th ofSeptember. Our An Cuan programme is designed to break down barriers and make the activities of The Sanctuary accessible to all, with an emphasis on anyone going through a vulnerable period in their life. The
programme has been running since 2005. We have worked with people dealing with mental illness,unemployment, addiction, homelessness, and people with physical/mental disabilities.
The 31 Day Challenge will begin on Friday, the 1 st of October, and you can enroll today at https://www.sanctuary.ie/the-sanctuarys-31-day-meditation-challenge-this-october/