Now that it’s spring , it’s an excellent time to do a little cleaning…of your diet! I don’t know about you, but my winter was filled with a lot of heavy stuff like takeaways and casseroles loaded with red wine. We diss the diet culture here at No.1 Media, but with so much differing advice, and so many people challenging you to change your diet for the new decade, especially now we are focussing on our health in the midst of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, it’s hard to tell which eating plan is the right one for you, your body and your beliefs.
We have a better solution than a fad diet or whacky collection of vitamins. We are welcoming Multi-Award Winning Nutrition Expert Laura Warren from Elite Living Nutrition to our team as our dedicated nutrition expert. You can visit her website here
Most of us are feeling sluggish and frumpy after overindulging with all the lockdowns so March is the perfect the perfect time to hit the reset button and get to work on a healthy new regime.
The problem, for many people, is knowing where to start. We are traditionally bombarded all year with an avalanche of fitness plans and diet fads, which can leave you feeling a little overwhelmed.
This is where Laura Warren of Elite Living Nutrition can help. Laura is a qualified and multi -award winning nutrition expert and a member of the Harvard Health Medical School. She understands that everyone is different, so she tailors her bespoke programmes to suit your individual needs and food tastes.
By following Laura’s detailed nutrition plans – with her dedicated input and support – you can drop at least a stone within just 14 days. Laura has a 100% record with clients who have followed her plans and she provides support, encouragement and guidance along every step of your journey.
Elite Living Nutrition specialises in weight and fat loss plans and health and nutrition coaching and sports nutrition for weight control and performance. She has been involved in the health and beauty industry for 15 years and she believes the two go hand in hand.
Laura says: “I have worked with celebrities, professional athletes and people from all walks of life to help them get into the best shape of their life and to change their mindset for the better when it comes to food.
“I know many people dread the thought of piling on the pounds over lockdown but my personalised packages are tailor-made to help customers lose weight by making choices that suits their own bodies and tastes. You can drop a stone in the space of 14 days without ever having to go hungry.”
Laura was recently named Health & Nutrition Influencer of the Year (Ireland) at the prestigious Global Health & Pharmaceutical Awards 2020 & 2021. Laura will be presented with her award over the coming weeks and will feature in the Healthcare & Pharma Awards magazine, which is circulated to over 260,000 healthcare professionals across the world.
Her new website – – features delicious recipes and fantastic tips on health and nutrition.
Laura says: “People have obviously been under a lot more pressure since the pandemic hit and this has impacted on many areas of their lives, including their financial, mental and physical well-being.
“It’s natural during difficult times such as these for some people to indulge in binge eating and drinking, in many cases choosing the types of food that may initially unlock endorphins that give instant gratification – or ‘food high’ – but ultimately depresses the immune system and contributes to obesity.”
A recent report by Safefood, the State’s leading food health authority, found the Covid crisis was having a detrimental impact on children’s eating habits and sleep patterns. The survey found 49% were eating more unhealthy snacks or treats, 54% were less active and 67% were engaging in more screen-time, all of which can contribute to childhood obesity.
Laura adds: “It makes me sad to see obesity levels rising so much, especially among children, and I’m very pleased to be able to give something back in my own small way. I’ve been very fortunate to travel the world and experience many wonderful cultures and food which in turn installed a great hunger in me to enjoy and appreciate life and my food.
“Modern lifestyles have become extremely hectic and stressful for many people and, even aside from Covid-19, it’s never been more important to have a strong immune system to fuel your body and give it the strength to fight off disease and stress.
“More and more parents are realising the importance of nutrition in their children’s well-being, but some people find it difficult to know where to begin.”
Laura dispels the notion that healthy eating is about “punishing” yourself and firmly rejects yo-yo dieting and short-term weight-loss programmes as “dangerous fads”.
“I have a huge appetite and it makes me sad to see people yo-yo dieting, ruining their bodies and punishing themselves when there’s absolutely no need to. There is no ‘perfect size’ – each of us is uniquely beautiful in our own shape or form. Healthy eating and living is not about defining your shape or size – it’s about nourishing your body with the right food, nutrients and vitamins to have a meaningful and happy life. You need to nourish to flourish!”
Laura is also a sports performance coach and was recently appointed as an Irish Ambassador and Independent Member for Herbalife, the internationally renowned nutrition company endorsed by superstar footballer Cristiano Ronaldo. Herbalife’s critically acclaimed nutrition products, which are used by many Irish and international sports stars, and not available in Irish stores but can be bought online now at
You can, visit her website:
And follow her on Instagram by visiting: