The Marie Keating Foundation mobile information unit will be heading to Mc Cauley Pharmacy Mahon point this Friday 20th January for their first Wellness event of 2023. Kicking off their events for 2023 with this special day of wellness for the whole family running from 11am -3pm.
The event is open to the general public free of charge and will feature a host of special guests, pop ups, samplings, giveaways and special offers all tailored toward improving your health and well-being. As part of the line up of guests on the day will be Irish fitness brand Peachy lean where you can meet the creator and avail of special offers from this fabulous female led fitness brand.
Supplement brand Aya will also be there with a wellness expert on hand and an exciting new brand ambassador announcement!
The Marie Keating foundation mobile information unit will be at the event from 11-1.30. Every unit is staffed by a specialist nurse and stocked with take-home information leaflets and packs on the various cancers. The nurses can talk to people in a private area on board the unit about any concerns that they may have about cancer, either for themselves or loved ones.
The Marie Keating Foundation will also be sharing information about their Your Health Your Choice Campaign and Challenge.
The impact of poor lifestyle choices is highlighted by the Marie Keating Foundation, as a new 2023 challenge supported by Nicorette® launched as part of their wider ‘Your Health: Your Choice’ campaign that encourages better habits to reduce our risk of cancer.
Registration is now open for this exciting challenge and you can sign up any day until January 31st.
30% – 50% of cancer diagnoses can be prevented by making just a few small changes to our lifestyle.
The Campaign highlights the 7 pillars of good health that you need to help reduce your risk of cancer. Scientists estimate that we can help prevent 4 out of 10 cancers by:
– Not Smoking
– Eating a healthy diet & being a healthy weight
– Being physically active
– Being Sun Smart
– Limiting how much alcohol you drink
– Taking up cancer screening services
– Receiving the HPV vaccine
The challenge focuses on the habit of being physically active and no better way to kick off the year than with positive habits that can stick with you for a lifetime.
This is a challenge that is suitable for everybody and anybody and encourages people across Ireland to commit to 30 minutes of additional activity for 30 days!
Speaking about the benefits of increased activity Kelly Coghlan a Senior Physiotherapist working in St. James’s Hospital, Dublin says “Exercise is medicine. Being physically active can reduce your risk of several types of cancers. Any activity is better than nothing, but adults should aim for 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week. This 30-day challenge is a great way to kickstart that activity, starting with 30 minutes of movement you enjoy – gym, swimming, running or yoga. So, get out, and get moving!”
Show your commitment to positive change, good health and your support for the lifesaving work of the Marie Keating Foundation by signing up before the end of January.
Register here for the challenge and go here for more on the Your Health Your Choice Campaign
The Nicorette brand is proudly supporting Marie Keating Foundation’s Your Health, Your Choice campaign, and Community Nurses.
JNTL Consumer Health I (Ireland) Limited will donate €30,000 to The Marie Keating Foundation, Registered Charity Number 20038953, in relation to this charitable campaign. No purchase necessary.